6-27-09: Watch out for a new article coming very soon! This one's a monster. :D
Download here under Experiments/Misc., but there's a story behind this one - so read on.
Upon finding the Speak and Spell thread on the BBS, and then the samples further down, I decided I would make a song using them. I started by looking for a phrase that would be the title and define the track, eventually I gave up and settled for the generic "I Love You" - though to be honest this track was a meaningless, for-fun project to me. :D I then vocoded it, with pretty much the same process, settling for a supersaw and two somewhat generic chords.
As a side note, the title has nothing to do with xKore's track with the same name.
This is a bit of an oddball track in terms of structure, but once again, I didn't worry too much about making this track completely perfect anyway. I originally intended it to be a full-length House track and started with a DJ-friendly intro, but by the end realized a full-length track wasn't going to happen, simply because I didn't know how to make one. I took the easy way out of most choices from the end of the peak on, so it may sound rushed or unmixed to some of you.
Regardless - enjoy! News to come on my other projects, including Time Without, the Hide and Seek remix, maybe Time for Morning, and a few others. New headphones and monitors are motivating me to work more. :)
Awesome track, dude! I love the percussion to death, first off. Probably one of my favorite claps I've heard in a long while. :P I also like the wood-block-ish synth (I don't know what else to call it, hopefully you know what I'm talking about)
I really like this song! It's fun, upbeat, and well-produced without being too serious. The voice sample really fit well when it was vocoded :) I didn't really care about the length of the track, I'm content with looping it :)
I do have one small complaint, though. There are some spots where the song crackles, like around 2:25 and 3:55. It could just be my headphones, but it does it in the same spot every time. :\
Anyway, great track! I'm really looking forward to Time for Morning, and I'm interested to see what you're going to do with the "Hide and Seek" remix :)
Glad you liked it! I think I know what you mean by wood-block synth. The crackling was part of a buildup effect I used now and then, you can also hear it at 0:22 and 1:24 - it was an unintended side effect I didn't really pay much attention to, I guess I could have done that better.
I'm working on the Hide and Seek remix right now actually! It may take a while though, I'm trying to see how many of the synths I can make with my X-Station (a hardware synth :D).