Edit: To those of you who have been expecting the new song, there's been a change of plans due to events beyond my control. Sorry!
I know for sure the song will be 100% completed before January 8th.
Just making a post to let you all know I'm still alive and visiting. School has kept me too busy to do much more though.
While I'm at it, some of my recent favorites. No embedded videos, just click! The page loads faster this way.
So what's up?
Randomer - Synth Geek
Solarity - Mantis
PROFF - Starstruck (Shingo Nakamura Remix)
Daniel Portman - Open Your Mind
Sunny Lax - Misgrey
Everlight - Colours (Cressida Remix)
Edu pres. Time Traveler - Save the Planet (Cramp Remix)
Danny Byrd - Feet Won't Touch the Ground
I see Nitrous Oxide in there. I'll delay my bedtime a bit more.
Not bad. Not bad at all. But I guess I prefer N20's solo productions.
What's up you ask?
I got a username change from MICHhimself to Mich (as you might have guessed by now). Also, I wrote a Newgrounds Audio guide, which is to be viewed in my newsposts.
That's about it. :p
it's mostly ordinary, but the bass is nice, and I love the chord progression. :D
I noticed both of those things. nice going!