I contributed to the Newgrounds Audio community between 2007 and 2010 as an electronic music artist, a reviewer, and, briefly, an audio moderator. I still make music! See the links section on this page for a link to my new account. 🏳️‍⚧️

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Some truly amazing trance songs.

Posted by Karco - November 27th, 2007

UPDATE 11-30-07: Just a short update, but I've got a general idea of when I hope to have this finished. :) No guarantees, but my goal is to have this song finished for the new year, as well as my one-year mark of making music. >:) Also to be noted is that I now have a demo ready - or can render one, anyway, if you contact me. It'll be really quiet, though, so you'll need to turn your volume up - as the song's such a PAIN to mix/EQ that I have to lower the master volume to 30%, and even then there's distortion. D: But progress is being made, and I like what I have so far...


UPDATE 11-29-07: I've started a new trance WIP! :D It's a remix. No demos yet, and I don't think I'll be giving any, except privately via PM or chat to a few people - this is going to be a big surprise, and an awesome one, too. ;D That's all for now.


Just now I felt like making a post about the trance I've been listening to lately, so I'm going to do just that. ;D This will be about artists that you will NOT find on Newgrounds - some of them give away their music for free, some of them don't. I'll go down my list of artists in the order they come to mind, but within each artist, if I feel like it, I'll list the songs in order of how much I like them. :P


I. Cordis

This artist has been my favorite artists for a few months, now, and of all of the artists I'll be listing here, definitely fits "amazing" the most. :D His songs are very strong, emotionally, and are very well-produced. Also to be noted is that this is the artist that completes the other source of inspiration behind nearly all of my recent songs. Unfortunately, I've been listening to this artist less and less, as I've been trying to shift away from that source of inspiration... :( Ah well, here's my list of my favorite songs by Cordis...

1. Lust (Original Mix) - This is possibly one of the most amazing trance songs I've heard, ever. The production is amazing and the melodies/harmonies convey something I could never hope to convey for what will be months, possibly a year or two. Definitely worth a listen. Also worth listening to is the Taisto Project Remix, which is just as awesome in its own way, and quite interesting - even though it's a remix, it never once plays the main melody of the original.

2. DCX - Flying High (Cordis Dub Remix) - This is a VERY interesting song - it's a remix of a completely different trance song which you can find here (look for Flying High (radio edit)). The original is a somewhat cliched song, though Cordis makes it awesome - he starts over from scratch, and makes a remix that is practically its own song except for the lyrics, which are the only thing it has in common with the original - and even then, he harmonizes them and adds a chorus effect. The result is a very original and well-produced trance song with everything from perfect pacing to a pwnsome acid break a little more than halfway through. >:) Also worth a listen.

3. Ascension (Original Journey) - Another amazing song which I had completely forgotten about until Dj-Immune reminded me! :D I'd have to say that, at least in my opinion, the main highlight of this one would definitely be the melodies and the harmonies - Cordis makes liberal use of dissonance in what could only be described as incredible - listen to the song itself to find out what I mean. ;) Also to be pointed out is that this is the only song in which Cordis uses a guitar - and it's used well. :D I can't really do the song justice with words, though, so do yourself a favor and listen to it. ;D

There are plenty other songs that are worth a listen, including Sirene (Original Mix) and Fall (Original Mix) (also in order), but if I'm going to finish this post in one sitting I'm going to have to keep moving. ;)


II. Fleeticer

This is one of the more unique trance artists I've heard in a while - unlike Cordis, Fleeticer's songs are much more chilled-out. They're trance, but with some ambient influences here and there - in fact, in places, some of his songs could be called ambience with a bassline and a beat, and in other places, ambience period. :D You'd have to listen to this artist to know what I mean... I'm not going to go in detail on any of his songs, but I will reccomend Seven Seas (Original Mix), Twinsanity (Original Mix), and Frozen Fields (Original Mix), in that order.


I'm getting bored of this, so I'll submit it as is and update it later, possibly adding new artists, or more to the existing ones on this list. Enjoy the music! :)

Some truly amazing trance songs.


Are you stalking me? My bible for making music is solely based on Cordis. HE honestly has some of the most radical melodies I will ever hear (Ascension is brilliant).

And I also know Fleeticer, his latest Seven Seas is probably his best.

Anyways, glad there is someone else on here who recognizes Cordis.

Are you serious?! :O Same here, Cordis has been a huge inspiration of mine these days. :D Ascension definitely IS awesome, I completely forgot about that one - I'll put it up when I've got time.

Also, I would suggest to you on Mikseri several other artists: Artsi, Acrobite, Cyreon...

I already know Cyreon, but I didn't know the other two - thanks for that! :D

Edit: Are you familiar with Dj Unique and C-4? You might like their stuff, too. ;)