
200 Audio Reviews w/ Response

All 316 Reviews

You know, I haven't reviewed you in a while...

So it's about time I did anyway, right? ;D

First thing that comes to mind... I smell a VEE loop. :O You're the one who told me once that using blatant loops gets you less respect... follow your own advice. XD Though I only recognized it because GroundForce used the same loop in his song he submitted here, ExTrA... there are a few other recognizable sounds in the song as well but they're not as big a deal.

The decay on your kick seems to be a bit too long, it messes with the bassline a bit... and when you lowpass it to transition into your break, it distorts a bit, maybe turning down the resonance/Q is in order here. ;)

Synths sound good, as I'd usually expect from you... I've been hearing a certain bell-like synth of yours multiple times so it's nice to hear a song from you without it for once. XD The only times they stand out to me are the delayed lead at the end of the first buildup, which seems to play a clashing note or two, and your sidechained bass, which sounds a bit harsh too - perhaps some EQing is in order here? As a side note, the delayed lead sounds a bit plain, I'd prefer to hear something a bit more original. ;)

Your breakdown melody (I'm talking about the one at 3:45) is nice, but the second measure of it doesn't really go well with your chords, perhaps it's because one of the notes in the chord was the second note of the scale? It's almost a clashing note, but it's not quite one. Dunno, you might have wanted to rethink that. Your melody for your peaks is also nice, though rhythmically repetitive. Hmm - you said it's driving and very melodic, but it doesn't sound like either to me. It's good in its own sense but I wouldn't use those words - the energy seems to be a bit lacking to call it "driving," and I've heard plenty of songs more melodic than this one. ;)

Listening to that second peak, it sounds like you have a compressor on the master channel, as the mix seems to duck at random-sounding points, which makes it a bit annoying to listen to. :\ I'd go for more subtle changes when putting stuff on the master channel, if you're going for dramatic effects, then maybe you'd be better off raising/lowering the volume, or EQing if you have to.

I like what you've got going on around 3:26, pretty original-sounding! :D It sounds pretty good as is, but it would really be awesome if you could find something better to put in that empty space instead of a snare hit. ;)

The second buildup is a bit weird, and inconsistent with the EQ, or filters, or whatever you used - it might have been part of the idea but it didn't really work for me. And as for your ending, it sounded a bit plain to me, with just the kick. I'd have used something else along with it... dunno. :P

Other than all of that it's a decent track. I suppose we're pretty lucky to have it if you got it signed, too, so thanks. :D Looking forward to more from you...

Pulstate responds:

Greatful Karco.

Thanks. =)

Congrats on 100 submissions! :D

Here are my thoughts on this one...

The first thing that strikes me is that the drums aren't present enough. Not loud, present - so perhaps some mixing, EQing, compressing, or even sample changing might be in order? The kick doesn't boom (and is pretty quiet in the mix too), the clap is a bit quiet, and the hihats are inconsistent with volume and possibly panning, which makes the song hard to listen to. :\

In fact, the whole song lacks a good presence, it feels like you cut the bass, and the high treble frequencies. What you really should do is fill the frequencies more - to fix it I'd start by exaggerating, though not to an unfixable extent, the mix you have in mind, keeping in mind you should have a balance of frequencies - equal presence of drums and synths in the low, mid, and upper ranges. Once you're done with the song, mix it. ;)

The song lacks structure - considering you submitted it as a trance song, you'd think it would have some kind of structure to it as nearly every trance song does. :P I don't really hear one here, though. It might be that it was originally for Envy's contest, but I can imagine plenty of ways to make a full-length trance song for Envy's contest. Maybe this would be better off in Industrial, where less trance-heads like me will complain it's got no structure, it isn't long enough, etc. XD

One of your synths sounds like a 3xOsc preset, it might just be me, though. :P

Other than all of that I think you're fine. I don't usually review this sort of song but it's not bad. :) Keep it up.

WritersBlock responds:

Thanks for the tips. I'm not too good judging genres of songs, and my mixing and mastering knowledge is pretty limited.
I only just recently got some new drum samples, so I'm still sifting through them to find the best ones.
This was probably the fisrt time I've used 3xOsc presets, nice pick. ;D

Thanks for the great review and advice, it helps lots.

Awesome, like I expected. ;D

It's not quite perfect, but definitely your best so far. And my new personal favorite from your stuff, above Deep Blue. :) But it's still flawed... you might be sick of this song by now, and you've probably heard all of this already when you sent me that demo I keep forgetting about, but I'll go through all of the points anyway.

The hihat loop in the beginning is amazing, it sounds completely original, and really catchy. I still have to figure out how to do stuff like that. XD It sounds like there's a compressor (still) on the master channel, it doesn't kill the song like it does on most occasions, but it still hurts it more than it helps it, I think. The kick doesn't sound right to me, it's all boom - there's no punch to it, and only a tiny bit of click that I suspect is part of the hihat line you introduce later on? It's kinda disappointing, and it has nearly no presence, considering the bassline also plays down in the bass ranges, which makes the kick even harder to hear. :\ The clap is slightly hard to hear as well.

Then there's the detuned-sounding synth, but I think I can skip that. ;)

Other than that there's no real problems throughout the song. The melody is kinda repetitive considering the piano only plays on the first beat of each measure, and the gated synth plays that really repetitive and overused "da-da-daaa, da-da-daaa" pattern. Piano solo is amazing, my personal favorite part is 5:54-ish for some reason, as well as around 6:06. Like I said on MSN, it doesn't really resolve, though... it's just a slight buildup and then it jumps into the peak. The FX helps some but it felt lacking there. Yeah, I said it sounded ok myself the other day, I guess it was the comparison to the old version? Because this doesn't sound like enough to me. :\ Second peak doesn't sound all that different from the first, and what's more, it's nearly two and a half straight minutes of the same stuff. That sounds like a lot to me - were you just trying to get closer to a 10-minute song or something? XD

By the way, go post on Rig's Audio Artist Programs list, there's a place where he lists the artists that have made songs longer than 8 minutes. :D

But that's about all I've got to say, other than that, nothing really hurts the song at all. That makes this one of my shorter reviews, which is an accomplishment for you, usually I find more to criticize. XD

But yeah, great job F-777. :D

Mrmilkcarton responds:

Congratulations your a knew goal that I'll have to complete.
-Make Karco write a very short review.

Possibly the luckiest song I've seen on the AP.

As you submitted it, and within an hour and 15 minutes or so it got more than 20 votes and made Weekly 1st. Quite a fanbase you've got there. XD Tons of effort in here, I can tell that, but I'm going to go through it point by point to explain why there definitely could have been more. As I'm no doubt going to spend a long amount of time on this, I'd appreciate a good response. ;)

Intro. Feels like I've heard 0:00-0:03 somewhere before. Just to make a point, let me list every element in this song I recognize:

-Intro (up to 0:03)
-Bass Synth
-Plucked Synth coming in at 0:31 (from Nexus's Plucked section)
-Bell (same deal here, I believe?)
-Vox ("caution")
-Hit (that comes after the vox, I recognize it out of VEC)
-"HOO" voice :P
-Lead Saws
-Mutliple FX samples (recognize them from VEC)
-Fruity Flanger

Quite a few familiar elements in here, maybe they were used to help replicate the feel of Rd. 2, but it feels like you took the easy way out and used most or all of them. :\ The plucked synth, bell, FX sounds, and intro are new (I think) but they're all really recognizable from Nexus or, in the case of some other intro, some other thing I can't seem to put my finger on... thing is, using things people recognize and associate with things they've heard in the past makes it harder for people to associate with said things with you - basically, you'll have less of your style, and your song will sound more generic. ;) It's justifiable that you used, say, the caution vox, the "HOO" voice, the hit, and possibly the lead to recreate the feel of the original, but all of the drums, AND the bass from the original is just overboard in my opinion.

Second, I see you used 208 patterns and 98 Automation Clips. I'm guessing it's waaay too much, considering I used under half that number of patterns and a quarter that number of automation clips for a ten-minute song of mine nearly a month in the making. XD Now, this might be a stylistic, personal preferences in organization sort of thing, but maybe my suggestions will help speed up your song-making progress. ;) What I would do is create separate "sections" in the playlist - one only for the patterns with the kick, one only for the hihat patterns, one only for the bass, one only for the lead, etc. Separate each of them with an empty pattern named "-". This helps keep things a whole lot more organized, so you can keep your number of patterns in check, and things don't get too out of hand. Second, I'd create long automation clips stretching from the beginning of the song to the last point where they're needed, just so you can have one for each knob, and whenever you need one, instead of scrolling vertically and horizontally, you can just head to the front, scroll vertically until you find the want, then head horizontally to the point where you need it. :P Of course, if you're counting audio clips and some patterns as automations, then it's a completely different story, but hopefully this is relevant enough. :) Of course, delete the patterns and automation clips (and Step Sequencer and FX Channels while you're at it) that you aren't using.

Next - your bass synth! Its treble area becomes quiet later on, and I can hardly hear it - maybe you just want your boom, but I bet that crispness would really add to the song. :D There are also various other synths during the peaks, but I can hardly hear them at all, the saws overpower them all. Maybe the melody's important, but if you're going to use other synths, leave room for them. ;)

Your structure. If the review hasn't been helpful to this point (though HOPEFULLY it has XD) this is where it'll help for sure. Your problem here is that you manage to fit two breakdowns, buildups, and peaks, in just three and a half minutes. XD Maybe this is because I tend to review with certain trance-based criteria often regardless of genre, but I'd space things out a bit. You'll get a longer song, but more importantly, a more enjoyable one. You'll also get room for some extra elements, but don't overcrowd the song. ;)

Continuing on my alt...

Envy responds:

Sorry it took me a bit to respond, was trying to think of a way to respond to such a long review and explain my reasoning for certain things.

Okay, lets see here first up the recognizable elements:

I was actually trying to go for a heaven rd. 2 feel because I wanted it to be the same song but better. I didn't use the drums from the original, I made a new kick and I changed the bass's mixing. I think it sounds different, but everyone has their ear 8D.

"Second, I see you used 208 patterns and 98 Automation Clips. I'm guessing it's waaay too much," That's right, it is way too much. The way I make a song is by whoring patterns and automations because I go from start to finish, then backwards. I make the intro all the way to the end first kind of like a base for the song. After that I just go backwards and add tiny things like fx or vox here and there. This piles up my pattern numbers and automations, but it works for me. I usually never revisit patterns 1-50 anyways because theyre usually all the base stuff such as the kick,bass, and melody. (And thats why I place them before I go back and do all the other stuff) What I may do, and I didn't completely understand your reccomendation but I'll create different step sequencer sections? Like the one for automations/audio clips/patterns, but make more? I'll probably start doing that.

"Next - your bass synth! Its treble area becomes quiet later on" B0UNC3 made that bass and gave it to me, and it does have some trouble on a few things, higher notes, held notes, and when it's under alot it almost becomes inaudible. As for the other synths, I like to make people use their ears, and it worked. You had to strain yourself to hear them. This causes you to understand the song more, and feel it. Simply sitting back and listening is useless. I'm a fan of interactive listening. I'll try leaving more room for them in the future though.

"Your structure...three and a half minutes" Here's where your style and mine clash. The length. I DON'T LIKE LONG SONGS. My way of looking at it is this - I want to be able to listen to a song and move on. I don't want to have to set aside 5+ minutes to listen to some audio. Of course trance has the length aspect (This is probably why I never got into it) I'm more of a shove the song in your face as quickly as possible so that you have to listen to it again. It's harder to decide what you like/dislike about a song when it's uber long because you may dislike one part but wait... at minute 8 I like that synth or whatnot.

Now I'll respond to your alts review...

THAT'S more like it! :D

Compared to your other song I also reviewed, this is tons better, you seem to have taken my advice, or at least improved by a lot. Still, I hear problems...

Starting with drums. The kick sounds like a Vengeance sample, and not just that, but it's really raw, too. It feels like you didn't add any FX on it, you just used it as is. Which you shouldn't - one, it's recognizable, and two, it's not as loud as it should be, a problem that could be fixed with some good EQing and perhaps some compression. Your hihats sound really good in the beginning, but later on they get drowned out, towards the end I can only hear two or three samples, the rest are inaudible. Clap sounds pretty Vengeance-ish but personally I find them the hardest to disguise beyond recognition, you might have found it difficult as well. ;) Lastly, FX is amazing. :D

Synths are all good, I actually don't recognize a single one this time. :O The bass isn't as bassy as it could be, though - in fact, there's nothing in the song that reaches down to those "booming" bass frequencies. You come close, but you don't quite make it. Just mix and EQ better and you'll be fine. ;) The bassline is great, as is your gated synth, but the song doesn't really have a melody. The closest it comes to one is the top note of each chord the gated synth plays, which probably isn't enough.

Another short review for now, though I really enjoyed this one. :D Finish a full-length trance track like this and I'd definitely download it and add it as a favorite song. Keep it up. ;D

Kr1z responds:

Yeh, i checked ur latest tips & applied them.
Thanks for the help!
Your right about the kick, its raw.. but since i have not much experience at all, i can barely decide what kick to use.
About the hats: i'll try to fix thatz ;D
Clap: yeh thats a damn hard thing xD
Bass: lets make that a lil more pumpy then!
Thanks for the tips again!

So I'll try writing a shorter review for a change.

I'm probably going to have to start giving shorter reviews compared to my usual standard anyway - that way I can get to more songs in less time if I need to. ;D So, I'll go through the problems of this song...

One: The bassline. If you're going to make a full length trance track, take it seriously and make your own bassline instead of using that one. If you made the melody first and the bassline second, which I suspect you did, for full length songs start with an arp or pad that isn't based on that bassline and build from there.

Two: I can hear four, maybe five things in here that are blatantly obvious Nexus synths (and from the factory presets no less, they're not even from expansions). They're the arp/sequence (which also has the clap on all four beats in the same synth, I believe), the plucked synth, the shaker line, the piano, and maybe a pad or two (though, even though I may not recognize it, it's probably from Nexus too if so many other things are). Basically, this hurts your own style and makes the song sound more like Nexus (and the person who made the presets, Manuel Schleis) and less like you and your own style. Having your own style makes it that much easier to be everything you wanted to be in music - good at it, popular for it, respected, etc. ;) Try disguising your synths a bit better than that - the arp/gate, Filter Modifier, Master Filter, Amp Modifier, and FX (off to the side, in the same section as the internal EQ) all help a lot. ;D Also try using synths in ways they weren't necessarily meant to be - I used a synth out of Dance Leads as a bass and a synth out of Bass as a lead in the same song once. :D

That's all I'll cover for now. If you can make a song like this without either of those two issues, I'd be glad to give it another review. ;D Keep it up.

Kr1z responds:

WOOTLOL thx for the tippies!!
I agree. You surely know nexus well :D

Review time! :D

This is a really great song - it grew on me enough to make me download it earlier today. :D That, and I'm giving it my first review in a month... be thankful. :P

First off, the biggest problem I've got with this song is that it's got too much bass throughout - the bass synth sounds like it's filtered, and it feels like you threw an EQ on the Master channel, boosted the bass to ridiculous levels, then threw a compressor on there so it wouldn't distort (which is good - this is better than a song that distorts ridiculously). All I can say about that is this - imagine playing it loud on big speakers! XD It's bearable on my headphones, but it might make enjoying this song difficult for people listening to it with a subwoofer/in their car/etc. :\ With that out of the way, I'll go through the song section by section...

Introduction - it's hard to relate what the pad's playing to the later end of the song, does it even have anything to do with the melody or are you just having it play whatever? :P Either way it's hard to follow, and in turn hard to predict/expect the next section, which isn't really a good thing in my opinion...

Kick comes in and everything sounds nice and wavy, the sidechaining's great. Though every now and then you realize something bad about the mix... if I focus exclusively on the sawpad, the sidechaining begins to sound off. Listening to the drums, I can hear a really loud hihat panned to waaaaaay off to the right, which is annoying... :\ The clap is almost inaudible, and is there a ride hitting along with it or what? Try to make everything clean and audible, the concept here is great, but it's a mess. Transtion into the next section is weird, the filter wreaks havoc on the mix... be careful with them. ;)

Next section, the panning is even more obvious but the hihats quickly fade out. FX is amazing here... one of the best qualities of the song. :D It sounds vaguely familiar, though, have I heard it somewhere before? It might just be me. :P The break is probably the best part of the song - no mixing problems, and the progression's perfect, you know what to introduce and when. :D My favorite part would have to be the transition at 2:16 or so - clean pads, a moment of silence, then the bass joins the calmness, just as calm this time. ;) Kick comes in, it's filtered, I'm not so sure that was necessary considering the peak came right after that. :\ Couldn't you have done some sort of snare roll build or something?

The peak's amazing, you really SHOULD have done a proper buildup, the energy here's amazing. :D The lead synth playing along with the kick is a nice touch. The composition is great, my only complaint is the mix, which I mentioned two paragraphs ago. Right after the break, the composition is the second biggest strength of the song... way to go. :D Ahh... here's your snare roll! Took its sweet time. :)

That was kind of a cliffhanger ending, unfortunately... you could have picked up from there (if you had pulled it off after a few seconds of silence, that would have been even better :D) with a second break, built into a second peak, and then outroed the song at 7 or 8 minutes long. THAT would have been awesome. :D

I really enjoyed this one, this isn't one of my longer reviews, but hey, at least I reviewed in the first place. :D Overall, the concept is AMAZING, and the execution left some to be desired, but keep doing what you're doing, I see really good stuff coming from you in the future. >:) Reviewed 8/10, though I'll vote 5 anyway. :P Congratulations on Weekly 2nd, keep up the GREAT work!

Mrmilkcarton responds:

Aye everything you said is right. I always think about these things after its all done and wish I had done something different. Always can improve the next one though.

I said I would review this one!

And it's been a while since I have, too! I've been waiting for Authority of Darkness so I could leave a monster review on that one, but seeing as that you haven't submitted it yet, I'll review this instead. ;D

First off, your woodwinds, in the front. For the most part, nice job with them, though personally I don't like those long held notes (more than a measure or so) - it feels like more composition could have been added there with a bit more effort. It would have been pretty neat if you could have added a simple harmony part for the section of the song with the most energy, perhaps with a different woodwind instrument? It would have added more detail, and perhaps have better captured the harmony of the environment you've made this song for? ;) But other than that, the instruments chosen and melody are both great. :D

As for the guitar (which is what that plucked instrument is, right?), it's great - though I don't like the second base of the mellow strumming progression - for example, what plays during the second beat of the song (the whole song, that is) at 0:02. It doesn't quite fit with the rest of the song in my opinion... it's a nice attempt at dissonance, but I don't like the sound of it for some reason. :\ Also, I don't really like the fourth base of the progression - the 1st in the scale, the home tone - it fits just fine, but I like to hear things other than the home tone for the concluding base note, as an extra melodic effort. ;) It fits just fine as is, but I think there were more melodic and enjoyable possibilities for that point. Last, praise! :D The dissonance I hear, for example, between 0:37 and 0:40 (it goes off the scale here, doesn't it?) was pulled off nicely - I've heard similar things done before in songs like this, but it hasn't gotten old with me yet. ;D

Strings are nice, no complaints, but I'd like to bring something up - having listened to your music for a while, I'm beginning to recognize the "East West" sound, here it mainly shows up (to me) with the strings, and more the lower they go. They just have a recognizable sound I've heard before, which is a bit of a disappointment - rather than having your own, "MaestroRage" sound, which is always present in your composition (though LadyArsenic did some of it with this song, right?, you have an "East West" sound, made present by the sound of the instruments you use. Try to have an original sound, it's great - I don't really know how the East West instruments work apart from what you've written in your reviews for them and in your definitions (Key Changes and such), so I don't think I can suggest anything, but keep an original sound in mind. You want to sound like yourself, not like your instruments. ;)

That aside, I have to say, the higher strings are awesome when they play along with the woodwinds! :D I only wish they were a bit more audible, in places, they become hard to hear. :\

I didn't really like the ending, considering this was a peaceful night theme, I would have enjoyed something more based in the mid to high ranges, rather than with low strings in the low end and the guitar in the middle area. :\

As for my story, I'm drawing a blank this time. I've been running on an irregluar sleep schedule lately - sleep late, wake up kinda early, sleep early, then sleep in again - and I'm kinda wiped out right now. :P I do get a landscape but it's nothing special and I probably wouldn't do it much good describing it now. ;) If I think of something good later, I'll be sure to send you a PM, but I'll have to skip it this time, sorry. D:

But other than that, I really enjoyed this song! 5/5, and 9/10, keep it up, both of you! I'll be watching your website... >:) (And refreshing, too. Staring at a screen and doing nothing wouldn't do anyone any good. XD)

MaestroRage responds:

All good points Karco.

Though i'd like to state that I can do nothing about the East West sounds XD. I mean I could easily go buy a new library, but money is really tight and doing that is going to blow future plans into the water for years.

I should probably do some research and see how I can modify the sounds... perhaps blend in different strings of various sections? Who knows, there are many things I havn't tried yet.

LadyArsenic lay down most of the melody, in fact the first half is pretty much entirely her. The later half is my take on that melody with some twists. We discovered later there was a reason this song sounded so familiar to us. As you may be aware now, the melody comes from Dark Cloud 2. Though we didn't realize it, we went ahead with it anyways. So I guess this song is now classified as "Remix"

The ending was thrown in kinda last second. The song originally was meant to loop, however due to reverb levels, cutting it off at the end to loop, made it sound very... ugh.

I guess i'll have to find a way around that first.

No need to apologize Karco, I greatly appreciate the time and effort you put into your words, i'm thankful for anything you put down ^^.

Thank you for the review, and the support, we're glad you liked it!

I contributed to the Newgrounds Audio community between 2007 and 2010 as an electronic music artist, a reviewer, and, briefly, an audio moderator. I still make music! See the links section on this page for a link to my new account. 🏳️‍⚧️

Joined on 12/29/06

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