I contributed to the Newgrounds Audio community between 2007 and 2010 as an electronic music artist, a reviewer, and, briefly, an audio moderator. I still make music! See the links section on this page for a link to my new account. 🏳️‍⚧️

Joined on 12/29/06

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A little something I noted Karco....

The songs you said weren't good got low scores....

The ones you said deserved high scores got them...

So how come the ones with low scores won?

The MAC tracks were judged and chosen, scores didn't play a role.

Bad tracks winning Weekly Best often drop a lot in score over the week they've got - at the time when the Weekly Best was chosen, they were obviously higher.

Karco, Nate pretty much tore you a new one on your review of his song!
I see where you're coming from, but I also see where he's coming from.

Eh..what ever. :(

I've seen it and sent him a PM.

He doesn't have to take my criticism if he doesn't want to, but flaming me like that when I spent half an hour of my time on that review that could have been spent reviewing someone else, or producing my own music, is unaccounted for. :I

It's things like this that make me even want to stop reviewing new people - if people are going to receive it like that and stubbornly insist their music is fine, why bother?

What nate did was totally uncalled for O.o
Damn :/

We cleared things up. :)

What bothers me now, are the three or four fanboy reviews right after mine... second song in a row when it's happened. :I

Not everything is about what samples you use or how familiar you are with a sampler. I made Guitar Vs. Piano when i was starting out, and 1.2 was just a remake to make it sound not as bad as it did.

I love trance music but making it is pretty simple you have to admit. There's not often anything in a trance song you can't find in a million others.

I agree Guitar vs. piano is not the most technically brilliant song and i've even said many times I don't understand it's popularity being what it is. That said, I do stand by it in that it is something different and more than just a kick on every fourth and some synth with a few effects thrown on top. It was all about the melodies.

I like your music, you shouldn't stop submitting it. I found out about you from a fan of mine and yours. Those people are who matter, not some dicks that vote themselves up or support shit music

What do you know. :)

Thing is, a lot has to do with samples. Guitar Vs. Piano 1.2 could have been quite a lot better had the instruments been played and recorded live (mind you I don't know the song THAT well so if there's something unplayable, it would have to be worked around), rather than sequenced with default FL sounds, which are quite common, and quite generic (I'm not accounting for the composition though). I don't have anything against badly produced music until it becomes popular, as Guitar vs. Piano 1.2 did - and that a song that badly produced was able to get as popular as it is now makes the exposure here worthless to me. In a similar way, that so many people praised it in the same way they'd praise a song here that someone could have gotten signed with but instead uploaded here for free, makes the support of the masses worthless to me.

The people who do care will be able to download my music simply by visiting my page now and then, where I'll post links to where I've uploaded my music. :)

Trance music isn't at all simple. There's the generic releases and the truly good ones, just like on Newgrounds - visit my favorites page if you'd like to, I have some great examples of good Trance there. :D Quite often, you'll find a Trance song that's very unique and groundbreaking, if you know where to look.

Actually though, from what I remember of the song the chord progression wasn't all that complex. Just i - i - VI - VII. Compared to something more complex - go listen to some Cordis (http://mikseri.net/cordis, look for Sirene (Original Mix) or Fall (Original Mix)) - it's not i - VI - III - VII generic, but it's close.

I'm set on not submitting, but the people who matter will find my music, I promise. :)

I read that little review thing and I thought you did a great job as usual, but he just... where's his appreciation? I mean, I guess I understand his "songwriting from the heart," but a load of good criticism never did anyone any harm. And that guy who made an account just to call you a moron who just wanted to show off made me want to scream in his face. Of course, all I could do was leave a civilized review defending you as best as an annoyed 13-year-old can. Some people just make me annoyed... I like your reviews, and if I ever get started making trance music I'm going to look to them for tips.

Copy-paste from a previous response: "He doesn't have to take my criticism if he doesn't want to, but flaming me like that when I spent half an hour of my time on that review that could have been spent reviewing someone else, or producing my own music, is unaccounted for. :I"

Regardless, don't take it too seriously, this happens to lots of critics on this site simply because the fans don't have the same experience and don't hear the flaws. And anyway, Nate and I sent a few PMs to clear things up. :)

Thanks for the support. :D

About the top 30, at first glance you would think "what the fuck this list is shit" I laughed my ass off when i saw some song on the top thirty using STOCK SOUND SAMPLES from FL, lmfao. What a joke. But how the system works is that a song will most likely be voted zero because people know bad music. Oh wait contradiction if that was true it wouldn't be on top thirty in the first place. Hmm OK well the only other rational explanation must be the massive amount of zero bomb's that are all jealously dropping from these little fucks. Yeah this site is pretty shitty. I'm sure Tom Fulp or whatever the fuck that guy is will be driven mad, because on HIS website a bunch of pubescent, musically retarded kids go around acting a fool. WTF is NG a DAYCARE? He must not really give a shit about this dump because kids are walking all over it. This site should be renamed


If i Die REMBER the titan.

It's a crowd that praises everything - they don't know better. :( How else do you think people like Dimrain47 got popular?

Eh, the Audio Portal isn't the focus of NG and in turn it gets a lot less attention. There's also MaestroRage's point about the AP "growing up" but we'll see if it's the case or not.

Karco you seem pretty mature, read this with a wide open mind because even while writing this it seems like a joke. Take it more generally and not just in the audio portal. Also i only spent the time typing this cause i care, so whether or not you agree keep that in mind.

MaestroRage wow that was amazing. Pure of heart and so well thought out. About the AP growing up, well i have not been here long enough to validate any of that. Although while i read his "rant" there was one thing i was waiting for that he never brought up.
While it was obvious in his view he still never mentioned the fact that by someone mature and opened minded such as yourself leaving the site, you are part of the decline in advance to fix up the AP. Whether or not that is an important issue is up to you. If everyone dedicated to making this site right just gave up and left there would be no audio portal evolution. Audio portal is starved for hero's like yourself. I can see it in your words and feel it in your music, you are a lover. Someone who cares. Not many people have that quality, its blotched out, blackened by greed, corruption, self contradiction and immaturity.
I think MaestroRage went about it the wrong tone although i don't blame him. He made it a point that what he was talking about was all an opinion. Of course it is opinion and he didn't want to upset you but i feel you leaving right now will not only have an adverse affect on the audio portal, i think that you walking out with that mind set will be your undoing. Think it as the freedom to leave but you never had made peace with it. Now this is just the audio portal but these kinda things happen all the time in real life. To much pain, people getting hurt and running. Its this kinda disillusion freedom of escaping reality which is killing us because what we are feeling when we leave is false satisfaction.

......Or not.

Anyways maybe if you have had some sort of inpact on this fucked up little site then perhapes your leaving will start an impact. I saw Zellers commented one of the songs you put in the blog, telling the guy how his shitty music was the reason you were leaving. Poor guy didn't realize what he even did and with comments like that i cant imagine he ever will. So i guess time will tell. I know this comment is over dramatic just a tad but what the fuck play along have some fun. Fuck votes do it for your passion, This right here is the life we chose
No excuses just go for gold. So i must go out with something over dramatic right???

Young solider, warrior of moral, lover of knowledge, Before you part of this reality, before you part your senses, Know this and know it well.
Fuck got nothing dont even fuckin know where is was going with that.
should have planned it out better, Tap your brain, and blow your mind.

Sure. :)

I'm not leaving the website entirely, I'm just not submitting anymore. I don't want to support a system that votes the poorly made, generic tracks for Weekly Best, and in the same sense I don't need the support of a crowd that praises everything.

Regardless of whether I leave or not, good people who make good music WILL submit. Quite a few of the best Trance artists haven't even mentioned leaving (as far as I know), and Immune's submitting until 2009. I will say, though, that, in the future, if for whatever reason good music is no longer submitted to the AP, I'll reconsider. :)

Undoing of what? Beyond possibly getting signed to a label with a track of mine in the future (which has nothing to do with Newgrounds), I'm not trying to get anywhere with my music. The fans that count will find my music. That's all I want for now.

I kinda feel bad for that guy he reviewed, it was only his third song - and unless he asked everyone he knew to, it wasn't his fault it got Weekly 5th.

Your ending confuses me, so I won't add anything to it by responding. :D


Why do I have to repeat this so many times? XD

You'll still have full access to all of my music, as if I was submitting it to the AP. I just don't want to submit to this system. :(

Okay, Karco, I read it all. All the comments in this blog.
While I talked about this briefly with you over MSN, if you're leaving because the audience isn't what you're looking for. Not to mention...I think you've moved past that free download level ;)

Not that you have directly said this, but it's rather arrogant to tell someone they should vote on tracks purely based on how good it is by a professional standard. If it uses presets, why does it matter if the user enjoys it enough to give it a 5? If there's some clipping or muddy EQing work and an untrained ear cant detect this, and finds it swell enough to reward it with a 5 whats wrong with that? These are all impressions from the general listening audience. Very important these impressions most likely will be in the professional world; -Because its what sells-

I do not intend on entirely voyaging into yet another infinitely deep, "good vs bad music" debate. In Africa, the music isn't judged aesthetically by its qualitative levels, but by how close it renders emotions and desires as naturally as possible. My point being, everyone has a different purpose for listening to music, and some listeners simply don't care about these technical aspects. For example, it's a common theme to bash on Soulja Boy in the music world. As being one of these critics myself, I've enjoyed dancing to his "crank dat ho" song while at parties in all of its stupidity. I think that was Soulja Boy's purpose, and its serves it quite well. To create an idiotic song with a simplistic dance. Not to be critiqued by a bunch of crusty music elitists. Since this subject is entirely personal, the only way to rank music is by what the majority of users select. Thusly, I find no problem in having these "crappily produced tracks" like Guitar Vs Piano or Dimrain47s songs ranking among the most popular. There's nothing wrong with the NG audience.

From reading your own reviews, just like the one on that lamer DJ-N's song which he flamed you back for, you say something along the lines of staying true to yourself, don't please the general audience by creating general tracks. (I don't remember your exact words). But in the same sense from a listener perspective, wouldn't these listeners be selling out by NOT constantly voting good on the tracks they like, and instead, direct their 5s by the standards of someone more musically intelligent than them? Sounds kind of contradictory to me.

All in all, how can it possibly hurt to continue posting your tracks to Newgrounds in addition to the site that you will post at (to those that are serious about their music - DON'T LIMIT YOURSELF TO NG!)?Moreso, how does it BENEFIT the system? Do you think that by popular users leaving on this site the staff may try to incorporate changes. How do you recommend it gets fixed?
Wipe out all the thirteen year old users? You're not too far from that age group, presumably that was how old you were when you first started posting here yes? Of course, this is a BAD idea, you, Nav, endlessnumber, Mrmilkcarton, p4c, F-777 and so forth are some of the greatest EDM producers this site has to offer, and you're probably the most competent reviewer out of a myriad of users on this site. And at the same time...theres people that are 10 years older than you which I've had more intelligent conversations with doorknobs compared to speaking with them.

Other ideas, such as a review based scoring system, and audio voting experience system, non-anonymous voting, waiting to the song plays through (or a certain limit), have all been rejected ideas that definitely will help remedy the voting abuse situation (but of course, not completely cure), and the people in these threads that dismiss these ideas are commonly * the ones that complain about the voting system themselves*. This way, we can have a more accurate system and still get to retain our democracy. Everyone loves democracy right!? But on the downside, its less attractive to the majority of NG users, its going to showcase smaller statistics potentially, when that's no good for the NG staff is it now?

So I encourage you to find a smaller community that focuses on the music you do, post there to get more serious critiques - but, for the love of God, don't stop posting on NG for these reasons, because generalized impressions are very important if you plan on getting serious.

I don't think I've covered everything ---v


Let's see what I have to say about all this.

I'm not expecting everyone, or even the majority, to have a professional standard. I already know Newgrounds's audience often doesn't discriminate between someone's third track and something like Immune's track Immune (always wanted to say that :P), hence one of the reasons I'm not submitting - the exposure and support of the masses doesn't mean anything to me anymore, because nearly anyone can get it.

And then there's Soulja Boy. :P First thing, he makes music in a completely different genre and for a completely different crowd than I do (or did, or plan to). Go look at the releases of any of the big Trance labels out there (like Anjunabeats) and you'll find that nearly all of them are very strong - personally, only one or two in ten or so don't fully meet my standards for a Trance track, and then not by a massive margin either.

What's more, visit the forum at www.anjunabeats.com and quite a few people there will criticise artists for making tracks that always sound the same, or other reasons. This is a crowd I want to submit to and the only reason I don't post there that often is because the only way to get your music heard is to make your own thread, which everyone does, in the "Making Music" forum, which is somewhat slow.

True, there's no harm in continuing to submit. But I don't need to - the people who appreciate my music for what it is will (hopefully) visit my page and download it from a link in a news post, in contrast with the passing user who doesn't know better, leaving a one-line 10 review and favoriting it because they like the track somewhat. I don't need their support and I don't care for it anymore. I also don't submit because I don't like the fact that Fredgy's track Reality made Weekly 5th, when it was just a clipping track made up of FL stock sounds and preset riffs (and for other examples like it). Anyone should be able to tell a track like that is no good - Soulja Boy's track may have been made with close to no effort but at least it has some consistency and a decent mix.

I didn't quite say that, I was suggesting to avoid a generic sound - my point was, it's extremely unlikely one would get anywhere with a style that's common, as no doubt there'll be someone who makes the same style, but better and more often - so one should aim at a more unique style that's recognized and praised if they want to get their name out there.

Thanks for the compliments. :) I'm not attempting to benefit the system though. Nor am I trying to hurt it - I already said why I'm no longer submitting. And popular users would have no reason to leave this site - they already have a huge fanbase, and until they realize it's all useless in the end, why leave when they have all this support? They'll stay, and for some of them, their egos will continue to swell. Users who know what goes into good music and make it themselves, will know that the site means nothing in the long run - what, will they tell labels that they won Weekly 1st on Newgrounds, just like that Pokerap did back in July? Or that they're an all-around popular artist here, when they could easily see that Guitar vs. Piano 1.2 has pretty much become permanently embedded in the all-time Top 30? They wouldn't be taken seriously.

I don't have a solution. Newgrounds is a site for the masses - just look at its slogan, Everything, by Everyone. What's more, is it's a Flash-centered site. They don't want to add a depositing or blam/protect system to the Audio Portal (which would be the most effective in my opinion), as we don't have enough visitors to make it work, and if we did, they could be visitors that could be going to the Flash Portal instead. If a solution can be thought of, great - but otherwise this isn't the site I want to submit to.

And once again! Why look to this site for generalized impressions, if this crowd will praise virtually everything?

One thing that I do not understand - how do people know the actions of the zero bombers when the voting system is anonymous? These are all unfound speculations with no hard evidence to back it up.

I also don't think the NGAP is really in its infancy, atleast not in the same sense as Maestro's. The reasons the more "effortful" content is meshed with the generic stuff, is because we don't have a blam system to sort out this kind of stuff. But that wouldn't work here, considering we don't get enough attention. And even if we did, would it be a good thing? We would have a more consistent Top 30 (kind of like now, with the Heaven Road and Chaoz Fantasy always being in the top 5) where I personally would prefer to hear new talent. (A retirement feature would be nice.)

As a point you made about the generic artists overshadowing the professional ones, I.E. Pulstate, I think its not as unaccurate as you are putting it out to be. DJ Immune may not be ParagonX9 in terms of popularity, but he's made the Top 5 SEVERAL times. I'm sure he's got tons and tons of fans. Pulstate, I've only seen him on the top 30 once. He's not a very active community member. I'm sure if he was, he'd get the recognition he deserves. But then again, maybe he doesn't care, since he's signed and all. He's already reached a goal so many artists on NG strive for.

Judging from an effort perspective, I think the general audience consisting both of experienced and unexperienced viewers can grade these works fairly (by the common definition, well, generally accepted by most people thus far in your blog). Being amazed by state of the art graphics isn't exactly the same as getting amazed by a crystal clear synth. Tankmen, Waterlollies, have mind blowing graphics and animating, but they lack an intricate humor (recycled cock jokes?), or an interesting plot line. Great aspects can overshadow the flaws, the same way the perceived intensity from a Dimrain47 song can make up for the fact that he utilizes overused presets, and pretty much disregards mixing. It's all what you as the listener is looking for.

But I don't think effort should tie into what you mark the tracks score as. I have, and I'm sure most artists can attest that they've worked on tracks for hours on end, and in their eyes, it sounds like complete crap. Yet they don't even try and write a melody that sounds like gold. I think it was your track Morning that made the Top 5 when you said you weren't even trying, yet I freakin' love that track man. And so do many others.

And really, just because you use sytrus presets doesn't mean you don't put effort into it - example: My song "Quantum Laboratory" on my first account got frontpaged by Rucklo. Hey, its made entirely from sytrus presets (with very minor tweaks) and FPC drums (mostly). But I still worked hard on that one, structuring the melodies, and finding the right sounds that blend well, yet aren't too unimaginative despite them being presets. I got a review from a few popular artists with good ears *such as Flaming Firebolt*, no one complained thus far. In fact, all classical songs use orchestral sample based presets, (I believe in a review to one of MaestroRage's songs, you told him to make the EW samples sound more "you", when there's not much that can be done there).
Now, one might say that electronic music is about making your own sounds. Nah. It really depends on the purpose, once again. Which is not universal. And if we all held the same expectations, guidelines, and purposes, the music world would be quite the boring place.

I could work on a complex piece for a year, make a Xenharmonic piece where I gather a bunch of acoustic instruments, detune them, play out of time when really, there's a strong mathematical and theoretical basis that I worked extremely hard on for the past year, and through countless trials and tribulations I finally got the product that I exactly wanted. To me it's the perfect song, and I've put more effort into than anyone else anyone ever has into a single track on Newgrounds. Yet to 99% of people, it sounds like complete shit, and is perceived to take no time on, and is just a result of laziness and a lack of a musical brain. So, should this 99% sit down for hours, subscribe to my theory so they can see the track fit from MY purposes and the sheer amount of effort that went to it, and then vote fairly in the common sense, AKA 5/5 in this case? I wouldn't.

Aaaugh, you really wrote an essay for me S3C. D: Thanks for your time though!

Not sure what you mean in the first paragraph but I don't really care about the zero-voters.

Perhaps the infancy idea appeals to me because it's what I want to hear. :( I kinda went over the blam/protect system idea at the end of the previous response. As for "retirement," what would be the line? And wouldn't that section just get almost all of the listens, as most people would go looking for the best songs without caring for finding random annoying tracks in the Newly Submitted list? Too high of a line, and nearly all of the tracks in the AP become ignored, too low, and the retired section becomes a second Audio Portal with tracks miles above everything else.

I did say that good tracks make it now and then. Many of the artists I consider good are also popular. The fact that the badly produced tracks make it at all is what bothers me.

Good point regarding Flash animation - that explains why most people here praise everything, doesn't it? :( If they judge superficially like that then it's even less of the audience I need.

I was trying to make a good track with Time for Morning, though by the time I reached the render that I submitted to Newgrounds, I dropped it because I didn't like the mix at all. I wasn't trying, however, to make Weekly 5th. :D Still, I see where you're coming from, people have their strengths and weaknesses, and effort goes a lot farther as the artist becomes better in making music. Effort isn't really judgeable.

It's the difference, though, between using raw Sytrus presets and FL sounds in a generic techno song (e.g., Twilight Techno) and tweaking them, then using them in a creative song in an uncommon style. What's more, you had glitch rhythms, compared to Dimrain using his generic techno rhythm - what's more though, many of the synths he's used are supersaws - and the same ones over and over, too.

There's your classical argument, but the EW sounds do have a distinct sound to them because of popularity and overuse, just like Vengeance. I don't recognize Garritan or Edirol the same way because they're not as widely used, and I have no clue what Immune makes his classical tracks with, in just the same way as how some artists have incredibly original sounds to my ear, as I've never heard them before (listen to Maor Levi - Reflect for an example). You can't ask a guitarist to build their own guitar but genres like rock and classical are completely different from EDM genres in many ways, and EDM genres are my forte when critiquing music.

Electronic music is partially about making your own sounds, though, as if everyone used the same sounds (let's say, some variation of supersaw, square bass, sawpad, and VEC drums) it would be incredibly boring to listen to compared to the variety we actually do have, and what's more, many of the genres we have wouldn't exist. Various EDM genres, then subgenres, then artists, and finally tracks, can have their own individual expectations, guidelines, and purposes, not all of them have to be exactly the same.

As for the Xenharmonic idea, it's true. I can't expect everyone to have my standards, but when did I? I think I've done enough explaining in the other paragraphs to cover this point, so I'll leave it, also because I have work to do. D:

Thanks again for your time S3C! :)

Good post S3C, I know where you are coming from.

Also, Karco, I think I might know where you can post music.

You see, there are basically three types of labels:
Indie Digital Labels (That accept almost anything)
Average-Sized Indie Labels (Aka choosy electronic labels)
Major Labels (Aka labels where you must have contacts to get into)

The second kind are the ones you should focus on. While producing that freeform track you may or may not have heard, I went on to the Nu Energy Collective site, the largest freeform label. It, however, is still small on a general scale, and the founder of the label will post individual reviews of the songs, looking at them from a professional standpoint.

I know that if I submitted the song here I would get raving reviews, but when I submitted it there, I got A LOT of criticism, mixing and otherwise. It was good criticism too, since they listened on monitors and compared it to professionally produced tracks.

This made me think of a solution to your problem. Find a label with a forum that supports track demos, and post your stuff there. Generally, if it's not TOO large (but go large enough that they print vinyl), then they will give you professional advice on your track.

For reference, here is the thread where I posted my song (I'm SplitPersonality). Note that Kevin Energy is THE largest freeform producer today:

<a href="http://www.nuenergycollective.com/index.php?option=com_fireboard&Itemid=35&func=view&id=8171&catid=13">http://www.nuenergycollective.com/ind ex.php?option=com_fireboard&Itemi d=35&func=view&id=8171&ca tid=13</a>

In summary, just look for a medium sized label and submit track demos.

Lucky you, Nav! :D I did hear that track of yours - and to get critiqued by a big name like you did is something that still needs to happen to me. :)

I only know a few labels like Nu Energy Collective, but I CAN look, thanks for the advice. :)

Quote from S3C: " I got a review from a few popular artists with good ears *such as Flaming Firebolt*, no one complained thus far."

Karco might disagree with that Oo...
And since when am i popular? :)

Since End of Summer. ;D

You do have good ears, you miss things now and then, but you're a decent critic. :)

If i am a decent critic, then your a totally awesome kickass godly critic :D
your reviews are amazing.

Thanks. :D

I wasn't sure about this until i saw THIS as the top 1 song of all time.
<a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/179063">http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/liste n/179063</a>

I actyally like that artist songs but worst song of him?
As top 1 song?

Seriously, something is wrong with AD community.
There are so many songs that deserve to be at top 30 (Crossing the thereshold, ={Don't tell me again}=, Shallow grave, ={Hundred years of pain}= ={a Dark cut}=,
-warspawn- Lullaby and few other songs) but they aren't. That is because shitty songs are taking their places in top 30.

I understand you dear Karco.

It happens. :(

wow, stop looking at highly subjective material objectively^

and to Bjra, that is very childish of you. That is a common bounce-back here on NG.

Give an opinion/criticism/low score on music.

What's the response?

"Hey, where's your music? You DONT have good enough music to be talking".

A critique, that might give you unwanted advice, is always taken as an insult. Your knowledge, never, will be a clear mirror of your ability to make music. I don't care if Karco's one of those guys that makes generic FL songs (so...you leaving because YOU are part of the problem Karco? :P), his point is valid. And since he's probably the most in depth reviewer (besides me when I'm being serious ;) ) on NG, his opinions are well backed up for his cause.


emotional, deep trance music >>>>> cheesy party rave music :D

And even though I talked about highly subjective material above, once you get involved with the buisness side of music, the qualifications, although not strict are set in stone, are much more objective.

and i will reply to your response later Karco, i am teh angry with u > : (

It's subjective to an extent - in theory anything could be viewed as all-out amazing, couldn't it? Music is objective, or as close to it as it'll ever get, when there's a standard one needs to follow, and then, of course it's objective - is it mixed well? Are the notes not clashing for the style you're aiming at? Does it sound new (which IS subjective, but also objective - VEC loops for example)? And so on.

Ha, I don't think I'm part of the problem. :P Thanks for backing me up though. And yeah, you've beaten me before. :D

YES IT IS! When will people get it right? ;D

Aha, so you agree with me there.

Uh-oh? D: I hardly have time to respond to another monster comment. Fire away though, and I'll take whatever comes.

dude. you're a fucking douche. the point of this site is for people to get they're music heard and critiqued so they can become better artists. its a good site. you shouldn't expect professional grade music from newgrounds. if you do, then you're a pompus shithead. honestly dude. pull that crowbar out of your ass and open up your eyes. some of us aren't "well off" enough to buy a professional grade sound producing system that meets your standards. shooting down people's honest attempts at creating music is the lowest you can get.... stop being so immature and grow a pair of balls.

There's no need to send me a PM asking me to read this comment. I've responded to every comment I've gotten on every news post I've made, ever. Why would this one be any different?

I'm not expecting every artist on Newgrounds to make professional-quality music, that's impossible. I'm leaving because the general crowd on Newgrounds praises everything, therefore making their support worthless, and because of generic tracks like that AndreaDigita one this week making Weekly Best.

S3C's response is response enough for this comment - I don't think you even read my post based on that comment.

LOL. Well I was writing out a super-lenghty response, and then I went to go and back up my research (yeah I'm taking this too seriously) and say "hey the top 5 isnt as bad as you think". Yet I click on that CrescentDolls song, and think to myself "oh...not another one of these lame tracks again -_-" I still find offense in some of your viewpoints, but my personal bias kicked in when I heard that super fucking generic as hell song, and quite frankly, I don't feel like defending myself anymore, even if I believe I'm right...I'll guess I'll have to own you some other time...but I dont want to reply to your last comment :D The fact that you're going to get flamed for giving good advice (albeit, one of the very few), makes me too, want to leave Newgrounds. I might eat crow.

and Kdumb, please be quiet when the adults are talking. Your comment doesn't warrant a response.

Heh, no worries.

Thanks again for the time, even though it ended up going to waste. :P

What's that flying out of the window?
Ah it's the main subject...


when all is done, what is even the point of making top 5 of the week or top 30 best scoring? thats where you're fucking clouded. it doesn't mean anything, so you should stop making such a big fucking deal of something that doesn't even matter. this site has been around for a while and its pretty frickin popular, so therefore its gotta be doing something right, or else it would vanish. the way i see it, an artist should strive for top 5 or top 30 solely to get their music heard. its not to get a record deal. if thats what you think its for, then you're looking in the wrong place. this site isn't for everyone, and if its not for you, then acting like a little bitch. your complaining about this shit serves no fucking purpose at all.

I'm not clouded, I know that. From seeing those crappy generic songs make Weekly Best I've realized that the NG audience will praise anything, and that their support is worthless in the end. I don't even care to get my music heard here, and I know that it's impossible to get a record deal by telling a label your accomplishments on this site - anyone can get Weekly 1st.

Again. Actually read my article, and when you understand what I'm saying, you'll realize that we've actually been agreeing all along on the worthlessness of the AP.

I'm glad you're leaving.

Your shit sucks anyways.


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