
316 Audio Reviews

200 w/ Responses

Hello. :)

You don't seem to get too many reviews and this introduction to your song sounds a lot like the stuff I make. :P I'll give you one.

I LOVE the atmosphere in this song. It sounds just like my song, After the Nova, though not as spacey. Gives me the image of drifting peacefully down through the ocean, the environment slowly changing... aah, so relaxing for how late I'm up right now. XD

It does begin to drag on after a while... your effects, especially that formant-ish thing that plays now and then, are amazing but you don't quite use them well. Listening to this, I'm sure you could have come up with others to diversify the song, make it more enjoyable while keeping the great ambient feel. Actually - what VSTs/samples/whatever did you use for this song?

Your note progression in the main pad is a pair. Hah! XD You might want to diversify it more than that as the song moves on... sure, I understand you want to keep that feeling but there's a lot of potential here and you really should diversify it a bit more. You do - and it's great when you do, but I'd like to hear that more often. You know what I mean? ;)

Great song overall. Why don't you stop by my audio page sometime and review a song of mine? Judging by this song, a review for my song After the Nova (either version will do) would be interesting, as they're very similar in certain ways, but you can choose. ;) Much appreciated... and keep up the good work. It's been more than a month since you last submitted and it would be nice to hear a new one soon. :)

Tome89 responds:

I have reviewed you tune now :P and have something to compare too. I say lmao.

First off this is ambient and not chillout, and you should learn what's what.
IMO, diversifying is unneccesary. Have you ever heard drone ambient? That's music with only one chord that lasts for sometimes fifteen minutes.
The idea of ambient is to be ambient, simply put. Does the sound of a river change?

As for equipment (my favourite part):
I use no VSTs since I use Reason.
All the sounds in this track where made, from scratch, by me. No samples at all, no presets.
That's kind of the idea with experimental music.

Thanks for reviewing Karco!
The lack of recent reviews almost killed me.

I've got a great story this time...

But as always, it's at the end. ;) How about we get straight to the review? :) (It's a long one, by the way. :D)

Hmm... it's okay in the beginning with the strings - nothing special, compared to some of your latest. The guitar sounds awkward when it comes in - as if parts from two different songs in the same key are put together - but once you support it with the drums and more strings, and build on that simple melody it gets a LOT better. :) And the progressions are great, too - your style's very prominent in this song at times. Aah, that was great - I especially liked that short break with the violin, "Stop!" and then right after, "Go!" and you come back in with the panflute. Now, if only you had some drums there like you did for the beginning... imagine that! :O

I like your melody in this song... it's not much of one, actually, as the song continues on a path, making turns, growing wider and narrower through the progression of the song. We'll hear more of that in the story... ;) Basically, metaphors aside, it progresses a lot and doesn't really come back to anything. :P And it works, too - nice touch there.

Your harmonies are great as well... and they seem to lead their own paths as well. Yet there are no clashing notes among the instruments... nice job. I do think you could have been a bit more diverse instrumentwise than simply a string ensemble - nothing wrong with the string ensemble itself, mind you, but the lack of much else. These and the panflute I feel I've heard all plenty of times from you... though the guitar in this song is showing me that you're trying, and you can definitely consider it a good idea. ;)

Overall it's a great song... it takes its time getting really good but once it does, it's great stuff. :D Keep up the great work.

All right... my thoughts on this song, storywise. It's always fun to do these... how, exactly, did you get people to start giving you these? I started because I saw other reviews for your songs including them and I decided to give it a try. Now I'm doing it because it's fun. :P

A young man from a small settlement has come of age and is leaving his hometown to pursue his dreams. His family is somewhat grieved that he finally has to go and it's like any parting between parents and their child - tears of happiness, goodbyes left and right and finally the son leaves, not looking back, now on his own.

He travels the world and is welcomed where he goes. His path takes its turns - at times it steepens and narrows, but he doesn't complain - he climbs it, teeth gritted, knowing to look forward to the top.

He makes it. He sees the view. The panorama almost distracts him from the last thing he should be forgetting, but he doesn't - he turns around and views the entire path behind him, and sees how far he's come. And there's his hometown, at the very end of it.

Then, looking at the path ahead of him, he finds no sure path like the one behind him. There are many potential directions he could go from here - one, however, is long, straight, not too steep, and so smooth it could have been paved. Yet he doesn't see past the bottom of the mountain.

He runs down, enjoying every step, knowing the climb was worth it.

I think this was an especially nice story... hope you enjoyed it, and the review. :) Looking forward to reviewing more.

MaestroRage responds:

It was a great image Karco! I absolutely loved the young man's resolve, his drive to continue into the unknown, absorbing the views, the environment.

Just brilliant. I actually saw the whole scene in my head in rather large detail, and I have to tell you, it was quite heart warming.

Now onto teh review :D *it seems I always start with the story, then get to the technicals of reviews!*

This is a rather laid back melody, nothing drastic occurring, not sharp turns. Simple, progressive, enjoyable. These were the major pillars I felt were necessary for them.

I love the segment where it stops and just "GOES" like you said. I wish I had done more with it, but I wrapped the piece up here and I have this nasty habit of not being able to open a project I already "wrapped up" in my head.

I should have been able to use more instruments true. I was considering the french horns, but then it sounded too epic, and epic was not on the agenda today. Maybe more woodwinds, a normal flute would have added more to it. There is actually a choir in the background, could have made that louder.

In any case, thank you for the review Karco! I'm not 100% sure how people started writing their images, but I enjoy reading each and every one, and am grateful for it! I'm glad you liked the piece ^^.

All right... another SBB song...

And the opening's good, too. Love that orchestra which sounds original and fits, too. Amazing. Now if only I could have heard more of it later on... >:( But so far, so good.

Not much to say about the parts after that. It sounds mostly the same and you could have used a bit more diversity at times... but it's ambience. :) When you introduce new pads and effects it feels like a breath of fresh air... only to get choked again when they go away right after. >_< They do come back but it gives the impression they're only used once.

I like what that bell synth is playing... and the louder synth, too, that appears later on. Though you could have had a bit more variation with what they played... though what I plan to describe belongs on the piano roll, not in a review. ;) Basically... I'm not sure how to describe it in a review. :P

There's not much to this song harmonywise and I think it could have had a lot more to it. There was that airy-sounding pad that later on in the song that was good but could have had a lot more to it. If you had only used the orchestra better... that would have been jaw-dropping. Aah well... :\

Not so sure about that kick there, hitting three times and then looping. It could have been a bit more reeverbed for atmosphere, and also not so "in front" of everything else. Your other drums are great, namely that one that hits twice before looping and reeverbs, with some nice panning if I pay attention to it. (Snare drum?) It's a nice, subtle touch when listening to the song as a background, but when actually paying attention to it, it gives me a headache. >_<

Overall it's a great ambient song with lots of potential... it's definitely one of your better songs, but could have been even bigger. :O It fits perfectly the atmosphere you were aiming at... I could see this in certain video or flash games, actually. :D Keep up the good work, SBB... looking forward to more.

Powerful? :O

I like the sound of that! Let's have a listen... :) How is your thing with TR Records going, by the way? :)

Great opening. That kick could be a bit more reeverbed, or less hard, though. In the first transition, I hear a synth that sounds like a guitar - it should have been louder to emphasize that feeling! >:( It would have been great that way. But so far, the song is developing very nicely. It definitely is passionate and very powerful... BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM go the kicks. :D Is that a melody I hear emerging? Yep, it is. I'm sitting back and listening... eew, quality's going down here. Some of your synths are too loud.

Your melody's great. Simply put. Though it COULD be better... there's not very much variation in it. What I have in mind however doesn't belong in a review, however, but the piano roll. ;) I won't attempt to describe it here. Your synth is great but a bit too... out there. It doesn't hold the same quality as some of your other songs, namely Nova and Higher Force.

Harmonies, harmonies... what do I have to say about them? Well, they're all good notewise. No clashing notes, etc. But, like the melody, your synth choice doesn't have that same professional touch Nova and Higher Force do, in my opinion. It's also that it's a different style of song, and that A) I like songs like Nova and Higher Force more, and B) I think you're better at them, too. ;) Aah, well... can't spend your entier musical career making one type of song, right? Especially if you want to be the best. :P

Percussion... well, it's plenty hard and powerful but later on the harmonies overpower it and all I can hear is the kick, and if I try the hihats. Try not to let that happen. ;) Every bit of effort you put into your songs counts, especially those five minutes you spend to fix it! ;) Samples are good, but again that kick is a bit too hard. You have the right idea but it doesn't quite work, I think. I'd have put something a little quieter - but still loud and hard - but not as much reeverbed - rather, it would be a kick that simply lasts longer without reeverbing. Do you know what I mean?

Wow, I've had a lot to write about this song. Hope all of my advice is helping, Pulstate... keep up the good work. Looking forward to listening to and reviewing more. :)

Pulstate responds:

Thanks mate, i'm going to re-continue producing tracks like Nova and HF soon, but i'm trying all the styles out.


Hmmm... a faster song?

I don't hear much of those from you. This is the first, I think. :)

Nice opening, I could hear this in quite a few games, namely your average (or above average if you'd prefer it) RPG. :D It's faster than your others, but I wouldn't call it fast in general.

Your melody's very good, and that it's pulled off with an orchestra is great. I love the note progressions and also the instruments you chose for them. Great job with this, very original and very well-composed.

Your harmonies are also very good. No clashing notes or anything, and you fill up everything rhythmwise, octavewise, and treble/basswise. The instruments are great and all play the part I'd expect them to play.

Overall a great song! You honestly don't deserve anything less than 10s in all five categories, and a 5. :) You're good at this, MeteorSuit. Looking forward to hearing more from you... :)

First of two! :)

This one, apparently, got zero-voted, and multiple times too - so I'll review it first. I should be able to review your other song later today. :) Now to wait for this song to load on the extremely slow computer I'm on... >:(

Nice opening, with the piano, and it definitely is a little slow. Aah, here are some drums... and synths? Okay...

I like the ambient sound in this... good choice in where you submitted it. :P It sounds very harmonic, and everything's chosen well. The synth, however, could have been a bit less distorted - and if it's really an instrument, that proves how distorted it is! :D The piano seemed a bit harsh at times, as well. But overall this is very good.

Your percussion... it's very good, I like the effects... the panning, too! Very smart, there, shifting from ear to ear. And getting quieter as it goes in between, too, so it sounds like it's circling around your head. :P Nothing in it's repeated from what I can hear... and yet it doesn't sound too bad. You introduce new drums later on, and they sound a bit out-of-place, but find their niche later on.

The piano chords now are feeling a bit repetitive. You could have used a bit more variation in them, instead of going with the same four every time. That would have made the song golden. :D

Not much else to say about this song... it's great! Keep up the good work, I'm looking forward to reviewing your other song once I have the time. :)


I was wondering if you'd still be submitting. :P Gah, I can't believe I missed this song by twelve days! Well, here's a long, in-depth review for you. You said in the response to the other review one of the reasons you make music and submit it is for reviews... so I hope this makes your day. :)

Hmm, interesting opening. I like that instrument that plays the melody, it sounds like a cross between a piano and a violin. Nice choice, there. Bass arp comes in, and then the percussion... nice, nice. Key change... already? Okay. :P

I like your melody in this song... it fits nicely, and the piano playing it (or that instrument mentioned in the last paragraph) is a good choice. ;) You keep it new throughout the song - I'm still not bored with it! :D Nice job with this.

Harmonies are great, and contribute to the atmosphere of the song. I like your choices in synths - that bass arp is especially nice and an unexpected fit, alongside the piano and otherwise. Parts of the song feel a bit lacking in harmonies but at the same time pleasantly simple, a nice break from songs with a ton of harmonies that give you a headache. >_< The pads you introduce later on are nice. No clashing notes or anything... nice work here, this is great stuff.

I like your percussion in this song... I'm jealous of everyone with their great drum samples and otherwise. >:( Those effects are an especially nice and cleverly used touch to the song.

This song gives me quite the pleasant atmosphere... a "pleasantly rainy" feeling, one that makes me imagine weather that under normal circumstances would be gloomy... but in this case isn't. Half of two feelings. Nice job with this, Waterflame, a nicely accomplished feeling and a well-done song! I don't have too much criticism but I did tell you what you did right, huh? :P Great work - a download, 10s in all areas - as I can honestly see no reason why this deserves less - and a 5 from me. :)

Waterflame responds:

First of all, than you for takng the time to write such a long review! infact i am submitting again, i just have alot of hold ups, but as said in the newest song description; more to come ^^

And also, thank you for all the inspiering comments :) to be honest, i dont really like the percussion in this song, exept the orestrated ones. since this song's tempo is, originally 280Bpm, beleve it or not, it was hard for me to get the drumloop sound just the way i wanted. the reason i worked like this is cause every roll and fill, and timing on the pads get alot easyer. :)

again, thanks! i really enjoy these reviews, as said ;) im just kinda slow on my replies :P

Sure! :D

All right... well, I do know the basics of FL and can show work to prove it. If it's a yes, I'll get it to you ASAP... which will be soon, of course. :P

This melody's good... it's a nice start and I an see a lot coming out of it. I like the note progressions... and the synth is amazing. Too bad it ends so soon... :( I'd give it a longer review but... it's only, what, 20, 30 seconds? I can't make something very long for that. ;) And then, this one's pretty long already... :P

Waiting for a response... and if you already have someone to collab with, 1) it never hurts to collab with more than one person, ;) and 2) you could at least show me a trick or two on chat, right? :P Much appreciated.

tF-ownedyou responds:


Add meh, we will talk.


Good choice, Pulstate! That one's currently my favorite that you've made. Let's review this one, now... :)

Hmm. Honestly, I liked the lead synth in the original more. And the synth playing notes three at a time... that wasn't as good of a choice either.

I like this one too... not as much as your first remix of this, though. There's not much to say about this one that I haven't said about the other one in terms of notes and drums, and I've already given everything in terms of synth choice.

Well... I guess all I have left to do is drop my support - are you applying for a deal there or do you already have one? If you are then I'll tell you I'm wishing you well that you make it into TR Records! :) (And if you're in there already, well, then I'll wish you luck in getting higher up in pay. :P) Keep up the good work.

Pulstate responds:

Until i get the label, dont drop your support!


Hey, Envy...

Thought I'd review this WIP of yours... so this is a Z3ta+ test? All right... I'll use this to decide whether I really want it or not. :P

Good introduction, though a little rough there, with the quality. Very nicely done.

I like your melody... it's repetitive at times and yet you change it often enough so it's repetivity done correctly - nice job there. There's synth diversity here as well. You could have chosen the synth a bit better, though, rather than going with some cliched sawtooth.

Your harmonies are very good! I honestly can't count them. :P I especially like that bass. No clashing notes or anything... since this was a Z3ta test I can't expect too much from synth diversity but you still could have tried harder here. Still, nice job with this.

Your percussion is decent, but could be good. Your kick is hard but could be harder, to get that bassy, club feeling. The hihat (or is that a shaker? XD) is very weak as well... either make it louder or leave it out altogether! ;)

Overall a very nice song... you've convinced me to get Z3ta+ when I can. XD Why don't you send me a PM when you submit the finished version? I'm interested. :) Any chance you could stop by my audio page and review one of my two latest? Much appreciated. :) Keep up the good work, I'm looking forward to it.

Envy responds:

Yeah, Z3ta has tons of presets, and tons of stuff you could do. I didn't want to spend too long on this on account of the other project I'm working on which is under raps right now.

Nope, it wasnt a shaker. It was 2 different claps a few octaves up (A little trick that i learned from pilchards song "Tzachitx"

Yeah, I'll do more work on the percussion definately, but for the preview I just wanted to give it that powerful-like feeling with the bass and everything.

The only downside with z3ta is that it takes a little while to figure out, but once you do that it's awesome! There are just gazillions of presets.

I contributed to the Newgrounds Audio community between 2007 and 2010 as an electronic music artist, a reviewer, and, briefly, an audio moderator. I still make music! See the links section on this page for a link to my new account. 🏳️‍⚧️

Joined on 12/29/06

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