I've got a great story this time...
But as always, it's at the end. ;) How about we get straight to the review? :) (It's a long one, by the way. :D)
Hmm... it's okay in the beginning with the strings - nothing special, compared to some of your latest. The guitar sounds awkward when it comes in - as if parts from two different songs in the same key are put together - but once you support it with the drums and more strings, and build on that simple melody it gets a LOT better. :) And the progressions are great, too - your style's very prominent in this song at times. Aah, that was great - I especially liked that short break with the violin, "Stop!" and then right after, "Go!" and you come back in with the panflute. Now, if only you had some drums there like you did for the beginning... imagine that! :O
I like your melody in this song... it's not much of one, actually, as the song continues on a path, making turns, growing wider and narrower through the progression of the song. We'll hear more of that in the story... ;) Basically, metaphors aside, it progresses a lot and doesn't really come back to anything. :P And it works, too - nice touch there.
Your harmonies are great as well... and they seem to lead their own paths as well. Yet there are no clashing notes among the instruments... nice job. I do think you could have been a bit more diverse instrumentwise than simply a string ensemble - nothing wrong with the string ensemble itself, mind you, but the lack of much else. These and the panflute I feel I've heard all plenty of times from you... though the guitar in this song is showing me that you're trying, and you can definitely consider it a good idea. ;)
Overall it's a great song... it takes its time getting really good but once it does, it's great stuff. :D Keep up the great work.
All right... my thoughts on this song, storywise. It's always fun to do these... how, exactly, did you get people to start giving you these? I started because I saw other reviews for your songs including them and I decided to give it a try. Now I'm doing it because it's fun. :P
A young man from a small settlement has come of age and is leaving his hometown to pursue his dreams. His family is somewhat grieved that he finally has to go and it's like any parting between parents and their child - tears of happiness, goodbyes left and right and finally the son leaves, not looking back, now on his own.
He travels the world and is welcomed where he goes. His path takes its turns - at times it steepens and narrows, but he doesn't complain - he climbs it, teeth gritted, knowing to look forward to the top.
He makes it. He sees the view. The panorama almost distracts him from the last thing he should be forgetting, but he doesn't - he turns around and views the entire path behind him, and sees how far he's come. And there's his hometown, at the very end of it.
Then, looking at the path ahead of him, he finds no sure path like the one behind him. There are many potential directions he could go from here - one, however, is long, straight, not too steep, and so smooth it could have been paved. Yet he doesn't see past the bottom of the mountain.
He runs down, enjoying every step, knowing the climb was worth it.
I think this was an especially nice story... hope you enjoyed it, and the review. :) Looking forward to reviewing more.