
316 Audio Reviews

200 w/ Responses

11 reviews in 2 days? O_O Wow...

That's a lot of reviews for 2 days of being in the Portal... I've barely achieved that rate of reviews, and then that's with my latest song, Nova. =P You must really want reviews for these two. Here's mine, then. =P

This song does sound like a "light mix" of your previous. And a good one, at that. It's definitely better, and very uplifting. Melodic, too. You've set up a good (though somewhat cliched) attitude with this.

Your introduction is nice, as are your transitions. Your ending is a bit abrupt, but is decent nevertheless.

Your choices in instruments are good, especially the piano. The one exception to this would be the loud, standout, snare-like drum you introduce partially through the song which fits but not to the same degree as everything else. Other than that, it's overall a good submission. Quite the party song, too. =P Keep submitting - PM me if you ever have something you want me to review. =)

Music-story responds:

Yeah I guess I have to work on my sound balance. Clarity well nothing I can do about it. Dang...so close to a 10/10. I blame my speakers for decieving my ears. :) Still I'm glad you think it is a party song. Dance section = dancing. I can't dance to rave. Sorry if you think the song is cliched but I'm all for happy songs and I think I made you too happy your in disbelief lol. Thanks again for the extra long review. I will give your next song a longer review so you can have fun reading it. Bye for now

Wow... 14 reviews?

Looks like you really want reviews for this song. I'll go ahead and review it now. =) (Then I'll review Heavens dancefloor, and maybe Classical Oasis or another song you've submitted before this one. ;)

Hmm... it starts out a bit heavily, and loudly as well. Your choice in synths seems a bit... canned, if you know what I mean. As do your harmonies. Your melody, however, is decent.

Your percussion seems a bit plain... you might want to change things up a bit more often than you do through the song... though the times when you do are very good. Actually, the first drum pattern is the only one you use for too long, but the others are very good.

What the... this doesn't sound like an Ominous Dancefloor! XD I like how the melody seems to not end, but it keeps its quality, attitude, etc. It does seem a bit cliched, though. =P

Overall a decent song. It doesn't seem to end. It's long... how long is it, anyway? XD Tuesday's coming, so instead of a 4 as I'd normally vote on a song like this, I'll 5 it. =) Keep going, don't stop making music. You'll get good at this someday. =)

Music-story responds:

Ahh no! Someone finally understands what ominous means. I was sneaking away with this title cause no one knew what ominous means. :) Okay you know why I named this song as it is? One of the synth I used is called ominous dancefloor. I spent a couple of hours figuring what name would be good but I gave up and just named it after a synth. Yes very uncreative of me. Oh well. The song doesn't go on forever. If you listened to 3 mins of it, you were almost done the song. About a 4 min song but it changes throughout...well the leading synth. Again about the cliched thing..I love happy songs and will do whatever I can to make the happiest songs on earth :) (Down with raves! j/k raves are good once in a while, just too many on NG) We're kinda opposite. You like the dark and I like the light. Oh about the percussion; Garageband 3 probably has the worst percussion support of any music program in the world. I have to make my own percussion build up with my keyboard. That is soo annoying..luckily I have fast fingers and it is quite a workout jamming at the keys like no tomorrow. I'm going to check out joor.com which you suggested and hopefully I can ddl a good percussion section. Bye for now

Hmm. I'd like to see what you did with this.

Sandstorm is one of the first songs I got into electronic music with, so let's see how you remixed it. =)

Whoops, you've got an upload problem. At least, it's not working for me... at this rate, you might want to reupload it. As for now, that's one more download for you.

Hmmm... your introduction doesn't quite sem to be all that good, but it gets better. The synth you start with doesn't seem to fit, but evertying else does.

Hmmm... a tempo change... that's a new one. Oh, wow, the song just exploded on me! Unfortunately, the song still seems a bit empty. You could have added a second bassline or another pad, or some sort or another of harmony to make it better.

The problem with remixing songs like this is that everyone who rates/reviews it will hold it to the same standards as the original, which most of the time results in lower scores. Mind you, there's nothing stopping you from making and submitting these... just submit with that in mind.

Either way, you've got my 5. =) Why don't you visit my audio page sometime? A review for my latest, Nova, would be especially nice. Thanks a lot, and I hope you'll find my advice useful. =)

DJ-DaVinster responds:

Thanks for the review. I'm going to re-upload it asap. It's not working for me, either.

The introduction was supposed to be a sort of peaceful trance mixed with a dance feel to it. The rest was supposed to be sort of happy hardcore or dance trance.

That was only for the ending. I thought it was good, and I was going to use a piano, but I changed my mind, and regret it now. I sould add another p[ad or baseline, but it would sound a little fuzzy.

I thought this was a little better than the original, but not by much. I still like the original better, because I had to listen to this one a lot to get the right sound & it got annoying, lol.

Thanks for the review!

Good job with this. =D

Hmm. It sounds pretty good in the beginning. Your percussion is unusually heavy, but in this case it's a good thing - it gets to sounding very professional later on.

This is a remix of B0UNC3's Paradise on E, isn't it? I'm surprised you didn't say so in the description... oh well. =)

It sounds good... your choices in synths and drums are very good. Good job with that. Keep making music - you're good at this. =D You've got my 5.

Any chance you can listen to my songs sometime? Maybe leave a review for my latest, Nova. =P I'd appreciate it.

Dr-Dajova responds:

No, this is NOT a remix of his track, althou i know Bounc3... This is a remix of the track that Basshunter was making in his "tutorial"...

Ok. =P

You'd think a song description would have more in it than that. Just "Review Plz"? That's it? Well, I'll just get on with reviewing the song.

Hmm, well, this certainly exceeds the impression "Review Plz" gave me, for one. Your melody's fairly catchy and when you introduce your percussion, it gets a lot better and more professional-sounding. Your bass is consistent and shines throughout the song, in its bassish way. =P You change your melody a little later - it's still sounding pretty good.

This is definitely a decent song. In the "Above Average" area, minimum. Your synths and drums are all well-chosen and fit the song well. This is overall a very nice song. More like this is a great idea. =)

One suggestion I have is about your percussion - it's really not that fun to hear the same 1-measure percussion pattern throughout the song, good as it sounds. Maybe you could change things up partially through... just a suggestion. =)

Why don't you check out my songs sometime? A review for my latest, Nova, would be especially nice. =D

Masterpiece, huh?

I'm feeling nice, so I'm giving everyone who reviews my song Nova and asks for one two free reviews. (HINT HINT --==ZOMG ADVERTISING==-- HINT HINT) (Sorry, I was tempted. XD) So here's your second. =P

It starts out sounding off-key, but in a good way. It takes a moment for it to grow on you, though. Then you lose the off-key attitude and build on a happy tune. I think you could have built on those off-key whistles/whatever they're called, but let's see where you take it.

Oooh, you introduce something nice. And now it's got massive, massive video game potential... if you just fix those clashing notes. You know, I really should make a video game style song sometime... this song has convinced me of that. (Mind you, I've actually done that before... but not intentionally.)

Overall this is a very nice song. You've got a 5/5 from me. =)

This sounds pretty nice...

It's bouncy, it's catchy, and I really don't have much to ask for. =P I do have a few problems with the song, though.

Firstly, there are some presets from FL that you seem to have just stuck there. The "Dance" vocal, for one. Also, I noticed the riff-thing from one of the drumloops that came with FL... it doesn't really fit the rest of the song.

Second, there's a synth that you introduce towards the end, and the notes it plays clash with everything else... it could sound like genius if you had the right notes, though.

Lastly, it has no ending. It just stops, which is a bit annoying. All songs need an ending, unless it's intended to be a loop, which this one doesn't seem to be.

Other than those problems, it's a decent song. Keep making songs, you're good at this. =) You've got a 4/5 from me. =)

Very nice. It definitely is chilled. Mellow, too.

Why not? I'll review this one too. =P

This sounds pretty good... the violins definitely are a nice touch. I don't see why you've put this in Miscellaneous, this would work in more than one genre. Then again, maybe that's why you put it in Miscellaneous. XD

You did a nice job with your percussion - it all fits. As do your sound effects, which really give the song some nice atmosphere.

Your melodies and harmonies are nice... the way this song works, it's like I can't tell which is the melody and the harmony. This song's especially good because it's not something you hum to, but rather something you'd sit back and listen to. =) Great job here. You've earned another 5.

dj-padman1 responds:

thanks for the feedback dude. Good observation about the melody and harmony. With chill out music I like to weave everything together into a big 'ol musical blob.
Thanks again.

Good-sounding... I like it. =)

Thanks for reviewing my song... I'll review a few of yours.

You know, I really need to listen to more of your songs... this is something I'd expect to find on my iPod or something. Yeah, it's that good - I'm not trying to butter you up or anything. Seriously. =P

Your melody's catchy, your mixing's done well, and your percussion fits, for one. You build things up nicely - that bass you introduce in the beginning of the song's nice, too. You keep the percussion fresh - you just introduced some hihats, which add a lot to the song. And now you've added a synth which I assume is the melody.

The song's nice through... hey, I see a nice high-pitched synth fading in. It's getting better and better.

Eeewww... you know, it may be something you thought to be a good idea, but what you do with that one sound effect and the panning just gives me a headache... and it brings all the other sounds down, too, which generally isn't something very pleasant.

Past that, it's an overall great song. I like this a lot... you've got a 5/5 from me. Go ahead and PM me whenever you want me to review a song of yours. =)

dj-padman1 responds:

hehe..well IT doesnt bring the other things down..its a low pass filter with panning. :)
Glad you liked it, thanks for the review.

I contributed to the Newgrounds Audio community between 2007 and 2010 as an electronic music artist, a reviewer, and, briefly, an audio moderator. I still make music! See the links section on this page for a link to my new account. 🏳️‍⚧️

Joined on 12/29/06

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