A bit of advice.
This could use some improving. For one, you didn't choose your instruments well. Your melody, while short, was the only decent part of your song. You should have built on it, but for the most part you keep it fairly simple. Your harmonies sounded just like the melody, and you need a lot more of them. There's no bass, either. Your percussion - the entire song, actually - is waaaay too simple - a kick drum and a snare drum won't cut it if you want to make a better song. It's very repetitive, too - you almost never change anything.
I see four sounds - two of which are one synth, and one choir, the former of which plays both a melody and a harmony. For your harmonies, 80% of the time they're identical to the melody save the sound that's playing them or the octave they're in, or both. The other two are your kick and snare drum, which just play on every beat. You need to experiment with your drums sometimes.
I hope I helped with all of this advice. (This is one of my longer reviews!) You get a 3, just because I think a 2 is too low and I'd rather vote high than low. ;) Why don't you review my songs if you have the time?