Gah! Took me by surprise again. =D
In most of your recent songs, you have a buildup and then the melody which kicks off with a vocal of some kind. It's a style I can't get enough of every time - it's great to see - pardon, hear - a new song of yours.
This is an amazing song - the melody is amazing and I didn't even notice your percussion under it. Hold on, let me go through the song again. XD Yeah, that's some really good percussion you've got going there.
My only problem with this song was that it was too short... waaay too short. Otherwise, however, you did a perfect job on this one. =D Love that style of yours. =P
Ah, and while I'm at it, I'd really enjoy a review from one of my favorite artists. Any chance you could review my audio (especially my two most recent) sometime? I'd definitely appreciate it. =)