Amazing... I've written a HUGE story!
Wow, you have some amazing atmosphere in this song. And LadyArsenic's singing definitely adds a lot to this... though there are times when I think that could have been planned out a bit better - for example, that three-note pattern (up-down-up) is a bit overused, in my opinion. You do it quite nicely the first two times (especially how you build tension right before the first time) but once it comes for the third time, and it sounds slightly delayed,
The next section is interesting... nice organ there, and those bells definitely add a lot to the song. I'd have to agree with the other reviewer that I got quite used to the singing in the first part and the second part felt quite lacking in that sense. Otherwise, it was good - better in my opinion, save that one fault.
Woah, I'm getting a huge amount of thoughts just for the introduction alone. I'm having to replay those few measures over and over until I get my thoughts down. Hah! So here's my story.
It starts as the image of a dulled, quiet kingdom of the medieval ages. It is but a fraction, now, of its former glory, for at one point it was a power to dwarf all others, but now time and fate have turned against it, and it has diminished to nothing more than its capital - a circular city with the castle of the royalty in its center.
This city was once a large, magnificent city carved out of a mountain of snow-white marble, now but ruins, a shadow of its power, influence, and majesty. The image I get is entirely in black, white, and shades of gray. The city isn't anywhere near as populous as it was, as citizens move about it in depression, with what would seem to be nearly no emotion - merely dulled existence. It's dusk - after sunset, though the sky has yet to darken.
All of the above is everything I get from your introduction.
What's this? A huge black cloud, all of a sudden, gathers in a huge dark mass, and surrounds the city, poised to attack as if to put it out of its misery. It rushes in from all sides. The citizens slowly look up and few make an effort to escape the fog. The castle remains entirely untouched as the rest of the city is enshrouded by the darkness. Soon the entire city is in blackness, save the castle, sticking out as the light, the lantern, in the darkness. The dense fog begins to settle, but does not fade. It's nighttime now, but the castle remains white.
That was the first section, up to the ending of the singing. The rest is to the end of the song.
Now the fog "awakens" and, moving with renewed energy, begins to attack the castle. It makes slow progress, and eventually it stops as the black mass cannot climb up the castle to enshroud it. It makes the castle crumble from the base and, once it is in ruins, the fog finishes its job.
You're definitely good at telling stories through music, Maestro... I've written a huge one here! Keep doing what you do best, I can't wait to hear more. =D