Hmmm. Fairly decent.
For one, the buildup's too slow - after 8 measures, the only thing you add is a clap, and then you add a little bit of percussion. The notes you introduce with the harmony synth is waaay cliched, too.
You do well with harmonies... often I find myself telling people they don't have enough. You do well there, you have the right amount. Keep it there. You change things up now and then, which is good... though you could do it a bit more often. ;)
Ooh, you're bringing in some nice synths now. And now everything just got quiet... don't do that unless you really know how. And you do - you introduced the drums again decently, and then that other synth... this is fairly decent. You did a nice job with this. Keep going. =)
Why don't you review my stuff sometime? If you were to review Phantom Zero, the latest version of Dark Storms at Sea, or And So This Story Goes (or any combination of the three >=) ) it would be nice. =P